Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey Crazy Lady this aint candy it's a rebate form....

You can't tell, but today I am dressed as a mental patient. I am crazy about rebates and can't wait to open the mail everyday. Last month I deposited $176 in rebate checks (not counting wags or RA total with them ran close to $300) My original goal was to use rebate $$ to cover the cost of one monthly expense...but now its gone way past that.... I'm coo coo over them I tell you!!....ok, enough of that here comes Nurse Ratchet, time for my medication....

I have a few extras forms if anyone would like to share in the fun, send me your address and they're yours:

Theraflu..(any)..up to $6.99 purch between 10/19 and 1/31/09...need receipt & upc
(have 2)
Excedrin..(20 ct exp gels)..up to $6.99 purch between 10/19 and 12/31...need receipt & upc (have 2)
ChapStick true shimmer or 1oo% naturals up to $2.99 purchase between 10/12/08 and 11/22/08 need receipt & UPC
(have 10)
Oral B Pulsonic, Professional Care or Sonic Complete Power toothbrush up to $15
purchase between 10/12 and 12/14/08 need receipt and upc
(have 13)


Lisa B. said...

$176?? dang girl! I thought I was crazy for rebates! What all rebates did you do? I didnt know there were so many out there.

~huntfish said...

Hey was a good month, I had a $25 from either bud or Miller...not looking at my book...had 5 or 6 $10 and I did one for myself and SOb did one...
then I had a slew of small ones for so..b, and myself....we will just have to see if Nov can continue the tradition....hmmm

I'm pretty sure this is VAmom

I'm pretty sure this is VAmom